Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today Eli had his grooming. He looks like a poodle again. He was getting a little shaggy. Thelma and I got ours on Tues. Last Sunday afternoon we drove into Rayne to see the murals. Now they have these little frog statues all around town. Some of them aren't painted yet. I have gotten a lot of them photographed but not all. Have some more to do. Here is some of them

Well that should do it for tonight. Tomorrow we are going to a working crawfish farm. Will have some pictures of that on either tomorrow night or Sat. Okay later all Ron Thelma and Eli

1 comment:

  1. Love those frogs. Jim and I got sheared this week also but our girls only need their nails clipped. A crawfish farm - now that sounds interesting.
