Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Thought I should update. We have not gone camping this week. We had talked about going to a retiree rally in Ohio but decided to skip it this year. Need to get some things done around here. Have a wedding Sat night. Here is a couple of pictures from the samboree that we went to last week. Don't know if you know what they are or not. I remember them from a long time ago.

The first one is a binder. This is what you cut the wheat with and made it into bundles and then you stacked them up and made shocks with them
The second one is the separator or thrashing machine as we called it.This is an Advance Rumley like Uncle Carl and Uncle Rudy had. I remember going around the to the neighbors and thrashing. The women always made great meals. I drove a tractor with a wagon for a few years and then loaded the bundles on the wagon
The last one is an old type of sickle type of cutter and wind rower.The boards had rakes on them and moved the wheat of in windrows and then you had to go along and pick it up and put it on the wagon.  So little history lesson today. I imagine they get these out when they have their fair. Well that is it for  tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Even though I grew up in farm country in Eastern Montana, I was a "city" girl so I didn't recognize any of that equipment. But it was fun learning about them.

  2. I knew the thrashing machine. Use to watch the Amish use them when Marilyn and I would go out to see our Uncle Bob Holsinger and Aunt Millie who lived in Finley, Michigan. Robert and I use to go to Thrashing shows out here as Robert loved John Deere's and farming equipment. Of course he grew up on the farm. I still have our home in the country and have about 7 acres.

  3. I remeber those days. We still used horses on the bundle wagons, but did use a trctor to cut oats and bundle them. Yes the meals were memorable. Looking back it seems like it was fun, but it really was alot of hot dirty work.

  4. I tried to post a comment last night while we were still on our trip, but when using the mini laptop the comment box wouldn't stay open. Anyhow, I do remember the thrashing machine...not sure about the other two. I'd have to see them closer up...not in a photograph. Saw several old thrashing machines in various places along the road on our trip home today. Brings back memories.

  5. I guess I am too young. I remember the thrashing machines sitting in the machine shed at Uncle Carl's but I don't remember ever seeing them in operation.
