Friday, December 7, 2012

One down one to go

Today our Son had his surgery for gall bladder. The Dr said it was sick. He did good. Took about and hour. When he was about to go home we left and came home. We had gotten up at 5.Not used to that time. When I was working I started work at 5. Next week Thelma has her surgery. We don't know what time yet will find out on Tues.Hope it isn't quite so early. We both napped this afternoon. Rainy type day. Well guess that is about it for now.  Later all Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Absolutely amazing how much surgery has changed. I had my gall bladder out about 40 years ago and spent almost two weeks in the hospital. Was off work for six weeks. Glad he did good. Now we need Thelma to do good so you guys can relax and have a great Christmas.

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  3. glad the surgery went the best of luck to Thelma on her surgery...speedy recovery to all

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