Saturday, October 9, 2010

Busy Day today

This was the big day. Tricdk or treat Costume judging trailer decorating Fall trees Here are a few pic for youThe first one is a tree here at the fairgrounds the second is a pumpkin that someone decorated. Kinda neat the way they do it. The last one is a trailer here decorated. Tomorrow we leave for Springfield ohio to Buck creek state park. Will stay there Sun night and then on to rockville on Mon. Not sure how long we will stay. Maybe leave there Sat morning. It will get busy on the weekend so we will probably leave then.  Thats about it from here.  Later all Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Neat pictures. Someone was really artistic with the pumpkin.

  2. ARe the trees really pretty over there. I noticed in the last couple of days how much they have changed. The pumpkin is really neat and so is the decorated trailer.
