Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another great day and sunset

When I look at the sunsets I think of what God created in the beginning. How could it be so beautiful. Well he didn't make ugly things in this world of ours . This noon or a little before we took of for Quincy Fl which is a little east of here to Winn Dixie Grocery. We stopped at a restaurant to eat lunch and I purchased a paper. In it was an ad for Winn Dixie. They had a lot on sale. We got out of there with over 50. Then this evening we had another beautiful sunset. You might get tired of these eventually. But it's my blog and I love them so here is another one
And now one from last night a moon set
Well that is it for tonight. Hope you all enjoy the pictures. I do.  Later all
Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. That looks so peaceful. I could sit and look at something like that for a long time. Wish I could be there.

  2. Your photos are great and the water helps with its reflecting qualities. Sometimes when we have a full moon it's almost like daylight outside our bedroom, especially with a clear sky. (What kind of camera? Point & shoot?)

  3. I could never get tired of seeing the sunsets. Like you said - they are God's creation. Don't know how anyone can look at those and deny there is a God.
