Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shiloh Battlefield

Today we went and toured the Shiloh battlefield. Took us about 4 hours. I think. Very interesting. Saw a short movie at the visitors center. Then did the driving tour. I was amazed at how many units from Indiana were clear down here for the war. Here is some pics
Here is the Shiloh church which gave the battle its name. This is where it started.
This tree has an eagles nest in it You can just barely see the eagles head in the center. Maybe will try again and see if I can get a better picture.
Some of the Calvary are camped at the interpretive center tonight. This horse has the neatest markings. almost blends in with the trees.
This is not a horse but a mule. And he was letting everyone know it with his noise. Sounded funny. Well that is it for tonight Tomorrow we are doing some laundry. That should last till we get home. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Good pictures. I'm glad you didn't forget your camera again. How far were you away from the eagle nest?

    1. I have a 28 to 300 zoom lens. Not sure how far away I was. Across the road from the tree. They have a wooden fence around the tree

  2. Great pictures! I, too, am wondering about the eagles nest. You must have a good zoom. That is really cool.
