Monday, October 5, 2009

Home for a few days

We got home about1:30 this afternoon. They put a new gear box on the jacks. Not sure they are working quite right. Will see this next weekend. sWent out with Gary Lisa and Kristin for Thelma's birthday. Had cake at Garys. We will sleep in a little later in the morning but then we have to get busy. I need to take propane tanks and get one of them refilled. We used a lot of gas last week as it was cool and not enough electric to run heaters. Thelma has here pre op test tomorrow afternoon at 1 Wed I have haircut it will be busy this week. We left the trailer hooked up when we were at Tipton. At brown county I used a hydralic jack to get the trailer unhooked and then on Sun morning used it again to get hooked up. This will be our last weeked of camping. Thats about it for now. Hi annonyamous

We did not get an award this year. We have only been back in FCRV for 7 years as of last year I think. We received the Hall of Fame award two years ago. this is the states highest award. We have also been appointed In Retiree Directors. The couple that had the job deceided to give it up. We are good friends with them. They talked us into the job. We thought we would never take another job but deceided to take this one. We had a lot of people congradulate us on Sun when they announced it. Also said they would help us at any time so that makes us very happy.

Stay tuned for our next adventure Later Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. WOOF!!! I miss my walks, belly rubs and giving you wet kisses.

    WOW!!! I hope the trailer holds out for your next trip.

  2. We have four more weekends of camping yet. We will winterize on Halloween weekend. Sure hate to see the season end. When is Thelma's surgery.
