Sunday, January 8, 2012

A beautiful day

This morning we went to church here at the park. A nice sermon. The minister is pretty good at preaching. We came back and ate lunch and about 3:30 Thelma and I went to the pool. Nice ! Not sure how warm the water was but it felt really good. Then this evening we went to a bible class. Shirley the town is only about 5 or so miles where the Wal Mart is. There is also a mall a little farther away. We will go one of these days and see where everything is. Tomorrow morning we have what they call coffee clatch. You can get coffee and rolls Thelma and I split a roll. Well guess that is it for tonight Not sure what else we will do tomorrow.  Later all Ron Thelma and Eli

1 comment:

  1. So I take it that the cold snap of last week is over. Do they have the same minister at the campground service all the time, or are there different guest ministers every week?
