Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What is going on

Hey Mr weather man  I came to Florida for some warm weather not this 30 and 20 degree stuff. They are saying a hard freeze warning tonight here. The orange growers are getting ready to spray the trees if it gets to cold.  There is a grove right behind us but don't know if they will spray or not. These are juice oranges. Right down the road is a plant with trailer upon trailer filled with them. Today Thelma did laundry and then we went and got our pass at the office. They put it on the window and when you pull up to the gate it opens. Like magic. This afternoon the neighbor guy knocked on the door and said we can use their golf cart anytime we want if they aren't using it. He is not feeling well. Has back pain. He looked like he is older than 72. It will be nice to have that. We can drive around and look at all the homes here. I walked to the post office here this afternoon. We got the letter from the PO that are mail will be forwarded to here. Probably another couple of days for it to get here. Well that is it for today. Real exciting   Later all Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Hey Ron, am hoping I didn't drag that cold weather down here with us from the east coast of canada...its suppose to warm up within the next couple of days thankfully....

  2. It may be Florida, but it's also winter, and I think even the south gets their cold snaps. Seems to happen every year that there might be a freeze of the oranges, and then, of course, the price of o.j. goes up.

  3. Don't complain about the cold to much. It's 20° here in Ft Wayne and we have snow on the ground. I enjoyed reading about your trip down to Florida. Have a great time.. Wish I was there.
    Chris in Ft Wayne, IN

  4. Hey Ron if your oranges get frosted in Fla, I can always send you some oranges from Texas. Its a little cool here but nothing like you are having.

  5. It's supposed to be 62 in St. Louis on Friday. You didn't have to go all the way to Florida for warm weather.
