Friday, September 3, 2010

Homw for a few days

We are home till next Wed. Did about 3 loads of laundry. Thelma did most of it. She lets me bring up the laundry from the basement. We will just chill out here for now. Get a few things done around here. The grass hasn't grown much since we left. Might cut it Tue. before we leave on Wed. That's about it tonight  Later all Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Sounds like Indiana has been dry. All that rain you had earlier and now nothing? We've been pretty dry out here, too, but that's somewhat normal.

  2. That's the only good thing about dry weather is that the grass doesn't grow as much. What were the rest of your seminars about?

  3. Sure wish we would get a little more rain. I hate mowing grass when it is so dry. Sends dust everywhere.
