Sunday, September 26, 2010

Johnson County Park

We are at the Johnson County park tonight. Boy is it dark around here Not many night lights. We went to the Cracker Barrel tonight for supper. Deceided not to cook in the trailer tonight. Since we will be leaving early in the morning. Around 8:30 which is early for us. We are going to the fairgrounds in Nashville, In for our retiree rally. Since we are the directors for this we need to go in early  and get power turned on and get doors unlocked. This is our first year for this Hope all goes well. We will probably be pretty busy but will try and post most nights. We had a good time at the Samboree. The church service this morning was not the best. But that is a different story. Guess that's it for tonight  Later All Ron Thelma and Eli


  1. Was the church service at the campground?

  2. What all does being director entail? Hope everything goes good for you.
