We got here about 2:30 this afternoon. Got lot of the trailer set up. Still have some to do tomorrow. We had a little accident this morning. I thought I had the trailer hooked up. Not sure what happened but when I went to pull forward the trailer dropped on the grill. Kinda messed up the lid of the grill but think it save the bed. I think maybe I had the trailer to high and didn't check it like I normally do. Old age maybe. We have had beautiful weather all the way down here. It was in the high 70s today. It is still 61 at 8:00. We will go to church here tomorrow and then during the week find the Lutheran church here. Also find the
Walmart. Not sure if we will see midnight or not. We are pretty tired from all the travel.
Tomorrow will finish up getting the rest of the stuff set up.
Well Happy New Year to all our friends and family that follow our blog. Hope 2012 brings everyone peace and happiness. Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
We are in Lake City Fl tonight Passport campground. Cable full hookups. We slept in this morning. Got started about 10 I guess. Stopped at a place off 75 that was in the next exit book. They did not have Goodrich tires but bought a used one for 45. Will probably wait till we get home unless I can find a dealer that handles Goodrich down here somewhere. The one that is on the trailer now is one of the original ones I think. So if we can find a dealer will trade that one in. Tonight Thelma and I used our gift card to Cracker Barrel that our Granddaughter gave us for Christmas. Thanks Kristin. We are now settled in for the night. Thelma is watching TV while I use the puter. We are going to try and start fairly early tomorrow and get to Lake Wales early enough to set up. Then have to put stuff out . Sure will be nice not to have set up every day. Well that is it tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Georgia tonight
Well we made it to Georgia. Took a little longer than planned. I miss a turn around Atlanta and the GPS backtracked us and then when going around Atlanta we had a blowout on the trailer. I must have hit something as it went right now. Took me 35 minutes to change it. Luckily it was on the right side a s the traffic was terrible and people don't move over at all. Tomorrow we are going to try and find a tire. The lady here at the campground is going to give me some phone numbers to call. She said there is a couple of places about 5 miles south. Also going to have one propane tank refilled. Last night it was cold and the furnace ran quite a bit. Even had two electric heaters running. It is 50 here right now. Better than last night. This is a nice campground. It is PA or it would be expensive otherwise. Guess that's it for tonight Tomorrow will be a shorter drive which will be good. Then on Sat we get to our home for the next two months. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
We got out of town
We got up at 5 this morning. Left the house at 6 and went to Micky D's for breakfast. Left there at 6:30. Stopped about 4 times on the way here. It is cool here. 41. Supposed to get down to the high 20s tonight. Tomorrow we head to Ga, Elko to be exact. Should be down where we are staying on Sat. Thelma is reading and Eli is laying beside her. Guess that is it for tonight. Oh we are staying at the escapees park in Haskel, Tn. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
We didn't
When we got up at 5 this morning it was snowing pretty good. so decided to wait till tomorrow. I think we probably could have gone as the snow was wet and the roads looked good. Just not sure what we would have run into going south. We now will leave tomorrow Hope to make it to Tn by tomorrow night Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, December 26, 2011
Will we or will we not
We had hoped to leave in the morning but they are predicting 2 -4 inches of that white stuff. Guess we will have to wait and see. I have the alarm set for 5 hoping if we can go we can leave by 6.. Got some things to do before we leave unplug stuff and turn other things of. We set our heat at 50. We have hot water heat so can't shut the water off completely. If they had predicted this much snow last week we would have been ready to go this morning. We did not finish packing until this afternoon. Well about time to hit the sack. 5 will come early. Not sure where this will come from tomorrow. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
We had our Christmas last night. Gary and Family came to our house about 4:30 We had ham, sweet potatoes, Au gratin potatoes green bean casserole Cherry pie pumpkin pie. We then went to 7:00 service at church. Great service with carols and readings. Church was really full. Had three stations for Communion. Today Thelma and I worked on getting the trailer packed. I never got on the computer at all yesterday. We have to get out the cans and stuff for the fridge tomorrow. Gary is coming out to help as he has next week off. That is it for tonight Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, December 18, 2011
update on trailer
Well I got the pipe turned finally. I had to cut both of the pipes and then pull hard to get a rubber coupling between them Took about two hours. Luckily the sun was shining and it got up to around 40. I had put the rooms out and Thelma was working on clothes to take out that we don't use very often. We had them put in a new kitchen faucet. Thelma took off the cover of the sink and was she Peeood. I was madder than that . They had left bolts laying in the sink other parts that they didn't use or were from the old one. Then she looked under the sink. That was a mess. They had taken a towel that we keep under there to put the toaster oven on and put it upstairs to dry. It was wet. Not sure how they did that. She got it all mopped up and everything put away right;
Tomorrow when I call them I am going to tell my part and let her tell them what she thinks.
We had this done at Walnut Ridge at New Castle, In. Never again. I am going to [post on the Montana forum and tell them what happened. I still have some rearranging to do in the basement It is a mess from where they moved stuff. But we will survive. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tomorrow when I call them I am going to tell my part and let her tell them what she thinks.
We had this done at Walnut Ridge at New Castle, In. Never again. I am going to [post on the Montana forum and tell them what happened. I still have some rearranging to do in the basement It is a mess from where they moved stuff. But we will survive. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Not one of the better days
Yesterday we finally got our camper back After a month of them having it down there. That is just plain crazy. They checked the brakes and redid bearings. Also had to put a new holding tank in the grey tank for the bathroom. They had to do some revamping to get the fittings hooked up. I could see in the basement that they added a couple of elbows Well when we got home I backed the trailer in the driveway and caught the cable for TV and tore it out of the siding . Did not lose cable but it is hanging low. It was caught on top of trailer so got out ladder and put up against the side. Got up and it was caught on the vent pipe. I have a rotating venturi on top. When they hooked up the pipes down below. they got the pipe turned and now the TV antenna won't go up. I called down there this morning but the service department was closed. This is the second time that they have screwed up something when I had them work on it. So not I have to figure out which one of the two pipes it is and cut it and then put a rubber coupler between them and get it turned. Only have a few days to get this done.
Then this afternoon my Boilers lost at the last second. They stuck the second half. Not sure what was wrong with them. Then the Irish let me down and lost to you know who. So it was not a real good day for us. Tomorrow I hope to get out and work on the pipe. Have to find my Sazall first. Think I know were it is but haven't used it in a while. Well that is enough griping for today. Not long now till we leave for the sunny south. Will be in Lake Wales Fl. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Then this afternoon my Boilers lost at the last second. They stuck the second half. Not sure what was wrong with them. Then the Irish let me down and lost to you know who. So it was not a real good day for us. Tomorrow I hope to get out and work on the pipe. Have to find my Sazall first. Think I know were it is but haven't used it in a while. Well that is enough griping for today. Not long now till we leave for the sunny south. Will be in Lake Wales Fl. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
SD is sugar diabetes. I found last winter while in Texas that I had it. The a1c is a three month blood test that tells how you sugar has been for the last three months. They want it below 7. So I have been a good boy. It helps that my wife has it also so that helps with what we eat. Sometimes it is hard. I sure would like an apple fritter once in a while. Thats it Ron Thelma and Eli
Dr visit
Went to the Dr yesterday afternoon for my 6 month check. He said yes you are doing good. My a1c is 6.2 which is really good. Last year when I first found out that I had SD it was 11. something. My cholesterol is way down too. Can't remember what it was but it is really good too. So I was pleased. I had seemed to be high the last couple of weeks but he said that is why they do the 3 month thing. When we get to warmer weather where I can get out and walk it should help. Not sure exactly when we will leave but want to get down to Lake Wales a least a couple of days before the new year if the weather cooperates. That is the problem with leaving this late. Well that is it for tonight later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Rain and Snow
Hey what is with this weather. First rain. They said we broke the record for rain set in 1919. We had 2 and1/4 in today. Then this afternoon it started snowing. I can't wait till we head south. Will be right after Christmas. I took a few pictures so here they are
Anybody for a swim. Lot of water on top. It ran over the other day
The truck is ready to head south too. It was lubed and oil changed last week. Now just have to get the trailer back Getting brakes checked and bearings greased.
Here is the front yard with the little pile of leaves that I vacumed last week. Glad that I got that done. Well that is that for tonight. Tomorrow I need to go get my new lenses for my glasses. Also need to get our new drivers licenses. We are both due by next year. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Anybody for a swim. Lot of water on top. It ran over the other day
The truck is ready to head south too. It was lubed and oil changed last week. Now just have to get the trailer back Getting brakes checked and bearings greased.
Here is the front yard with the little pile of leaves that I vacumed last week. Glad that I got that done. Well that is that for tonight. Tomorrow I need to go get my new lenses for my glasses. Also need to get our new drivers licenses. We are both due by next year. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, November 25, 2011
Exppensive car
On Tues the Saturn started acting up. Security light started flashing and engine light came on Wipers were on intermittent but went all the time sometimes. So today it went to gm dealer at Decatur. vcm module was bad. Let me tell you those things are $$$$$$$$ Labor is not cheap either. It is mounted up under the dash behind the radio. It controls all the stuff inside the car. Like door locks wipers and what all. We got new remotes for the car. This afternoon I finished up the leaves. Only two loads this time. Glad that is done. It was a nice day to do it. Think it got up to 59 this afternoon. Rain coming in tomorrow afternoon late. Guess that is it for now. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers. We went to church this evening. Great service. Not all that many there but i would say about 200 or so. Today I went to the eye doctor. My cataracts are not all that bad yet. I do have wrinkles on my macula I think he said Only in the left one. He said that is unusual. My left one is worse for as far as 20-30 or whatever . I think the left one is 20 40 and right one is 20 30. Glasses will be in next week. Still waiting on one phone call as to where we will go in Florida. Should decide by Saturday. Need to get that done pretty soon. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Almost turkey day
Yesterday we went out to Bruegaman lumber for a Amish benefit. They had pies and homemade bread and grilled chicken dinners. We had ours last night after getting home form church. They started cooking the pies at 3:30 in the morning. Today we went out to Bescanson church for their annual turkey dinner. They had Turkey ham dressing, Mashed taters green beans cranberry salad pies and beer or coffee. We met
Gene and Sylvia there. Had a nice visit. Later this afternoon I started on the leaves again. We have one more week before they pick up again. I got one load and have some more in the trailer. Hope to finish up tomorrow. Thelma had eye appt tomorrow afternoon and Tues Eli gets groomed and we get tires on the front of the Vue and Wed I have eye appt. Boy busy week. Last week we took the trailer to New Castle to have the brakes and bearings done. Also going to try and get a new faucet in the kitchen. Well guess that's it for now. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Gene and Sylvia there. Had a nice visit. Later this afternoon I started on the leaves again. We have one more week before they pick up again. I got one load and have some more in the trailer. Hope to finish up tomorrow. Thelma had eye appt tomorrow afternoon and Tues Eli gets groomed and we get tires on the front of the Vue and Wed I have eye appt. Boy busy week. Last week we took the trailer to New Castle to have the brakes and bearings done. Also going to try and get a new faucet in the kitchen. Well guess that's it for now. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Our trick or treater
Have you anything for me. Sure hope so
It has a hood with it but he won't leave it on First thing he does is shake and it comes off his head
Thats it for tonight Got a lot of leaves up today. Still lot to come down. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli the bumble bee
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Were Home
We got home around 3 this afternoon. Made a couple of stops on the way. One was arbys. Eli likes roast beef. I did not get a picture of Eli yet. Will take one later this week and post it. I was going to do when we got back to the camper but did something else and it flew by the way. Here are a few that I took. I will upload the rest later this week and put a link on here.
This is one of the dogs. She loved playing in the leaves. Was so funny.
Here is the young ones dressed up for their parade. They were cute.
Here is one of the decorated pumpkins. Not as many this year as others
Here is the winning decorated trailer. They spent half a day doing it. They won 25 dollars. Probably got 100 or more invested
Okay that is it for tonight Thelma has labs tomorrow Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
This is one of the dogs. She loved playing in the leaves. Was so funny.
Here is the young ones dressed up for their parade. They were cute.
Here is one of the decorated pumpkins. Not as many this year as others
Here is the winning decorated trailer. They spent half a day doing it. They won 25 dollars. Probably got 100 or more invested
Okay that is it for tonight Thelma has labs tomorrow Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Busy day
We were kept busy today. It is now 10:30 and I am about ready for bed. I will post some pictures tomorrow night after we get home. We have church in the morning and then will put away the decorations we have out and get everything else packed up and head home. This is it for this year. Darn. Sure has been a good year camping with our friends in Indiana and Ohio. Today was a beautiful day. The kids did trick or treat this afternoon and also had their contest. They had a pet parade this morning. Thelma put Eli in and he got a blue ribbon. Only 4 dogs in it. If there had been more we would not have put him in it . He was real good.That's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, October 21, 2011
Right weekend
WE arrived today about 12:00. There are quite a few of us here already. Those that have to work yet will be here later. Not sure how many are here Will find out later this evening. Nothing is going on till this evening for hospitality. It starts at eight. We will probably go out to the airport for supper later. We used to eat out there at least once a week when we lived here for 14 yrs. Tomorrow is a pretty full agenda. Games and trick or treat. Judging for costumes and evening meal. Well that's it for today Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Home already
How do you know your getting old. When you put down the wrong weekend for a campout. I had put down this weekend for the Halloween campout over in Ohio. We got there this afternoon and saw a sign at the entrance to the fairground about a dog show. Thought oh oh. We don't camp there when they are there. Sure enough when we got on the grounds I went to where I wanted to park. There was no other campers there. There was the grounds guy who was blowing leaves off the road. Talked to him he said you here for the dog show Nope. Is there camping group coming in. Not till next weekend. So we turned around and came home. Don't have the camper unhooked yet. It was dark by the time we got back from grabbing a bite to eat . Will unhook in morning and get some stuff out for the week. Will try again next week Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Leaving tomorrow
We will be leaving sometime tomorrow for Ohio. This is just a weekend thing. We are going in a day early. This is a halloween campout with the Ohio FCRV group. We always enjoy camping with them. We try and make as many of theirs that we can each year. Tonight we went out to our local campground and visited with our friends from Ky and also a good friend that spends his time either here or TX. We will be leaving on MOnday to head down that way. He will be in the campground that we stayed at last year. In fact the same lot. It was good visiting with him. Need to do it more next year. We were in a camping club here in the fort together. In fact were charter members. Well that is it for tonight More from Ohio tomorrow. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fall work
We have been busy the last few days. Trying to get things ready for winter. I worked on the pool yesterday and again today. Trying to get it clear and vacuumed. Hoping to get the cover on Sunday. We went out to our local campground where some friends are staying for a couple of weeks. Had campfire both nights. We stayed home this evening Today we did some shopping. Got fuel in the truck this morning and then took the car. It was 3;08 with my walmart card. This afternoon it was 3:28 with the card. Went up 20 cents in about 5 hours. Now that is a bunch of bull. And that is putting it nicely. Well that is it for tonight. We have one more weekend to go camping and then done till we head south right after Christmas. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, October 3, 2011
We are home
We arrived home about 5:30 or so. Had to make two tries to get backed in. I have to hit the driveway just right or can't make it in without hitting the mailboxes. They replaced the landing jack after they found it. They had forgotten that we had ordered it and it was in the special order place. They could not find a hydraulic leak. They think we got air in the lines when we were sitting with front so high at Johnson County park. They worked good for them. Tomorrow we will get some of the stuff out and I will try them. They think we have a leak on the rear holding tank. It is the kitchen one. Wouldn't be surprised. We will take it back later in Oct or Nov to have that checked and also have them work on the brakes. Want them replaced before we head south. Well we have a lot to do this next couple of weeks before we hit the road for a four day weekend. You can have them when you are retired Right ? That is it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Trailer Dealer Campground
We are at Walnut Ridge campground for work on the trailer tomorrow. We shall see how they do. If it is crappy I will post on the Montana owners website. We have a new landing jack to be put on Also we have a hydraulic leak on the living room slide. They said they could fix it too tomorrow. Hope we don't have to spend the whole day here. This morning we went to get breakfast at McDonald's. I had to scrape ice off the windshield. Glad I had a scraper in the back seat. After the board meeting we were going with another two couples to get something to eat. One guy had left his keys in his truck and it wasn't turned all the way off. It drained the battery. So his clicker to open it wouldn't work. Had the police come and they got the hood handle to pull the hood latch and we got the hood open. Finally got it started and he left it run while we went to eat. The cop told him not to leave his keys in it. Evidently they have had some problems there. Well Think I will get off and put this away. We need to get up as our appointment is at 9:00 in the morning. We will then go and get breakfast and loaf till they get done. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Tomorrow is leaving day
In the morning we have Church at 9 and then right after that we have a board meeting and then we will hook up and leave for New Castle. Stay there Sun night and on Monday we have appointment to have our right landing leg replaced and also to have a hydraulic hose fixed for the living room slide. It will go out but not in so have to get a couple of guys to help push it in. The alpacas Thelma was feeding are the mothers. The babies are still feeding from mom. They are still a little shy of humans. They were so much fun.We might do it again in a couple of years. If we have enough new people next year we might do it then. Hope to get home Monday afternoon. I need to get some work done around the house before it freezes. Clean the pool and get it covered and get A/Cs out of the windows. We have one more campout yet . That will be at Urbana Ohio for a Halloween campout. It is in two weeks. That will be it for this year till we leave for Florida. Well that is it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, September 29, 2011
It's over
Today was the last day of the retiree rally. We had a ball. This morning we had the breakfast at 8. I was up at 5:30 to get the building unlocked. At 11 we had our business meeting. We elected two new officers. At 1:30 we went on the alpaca tour Here are a few of the pictures. They are sooooo cute. They make a little mewling sound.
The last one is Thelma feeding one of them. They some feed in cups. Talk about being pushy. They would push each other out of the way.
This last one is the group photo that we took at 4:00
After the photo we had ice cream. They played some kind of bingo this evening but I worked on the pictures. Tomorrow morning Thelma and I will go to the laundry and do some before we head home. That way we don't have so much to do. Well that is it for tonight.Oh a bunch of us went out to the restaurant we went to the other night and about filled the place. I think the locals didn't appreciate us Tough. We brought money. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
The last one is Thelma feeding one of them. They some feed in cups. Talk about being pushy. They would push each other out of the way.
This last one is the group photo that we took at 4:00
After the photo we had ice cream. They played some kind of bingo this evening but I worked on the pictures. Tomorrow morning Thelma and I will go to the laundry and do some before we head home. That way we don't have so much to do. Well that is it for tonight.Oh a bunch of us went out to the restaurant we went to the other night and about filled the place. I think the locals didn't appreciate us Tough. We brought money. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Only one more day left
Tomorrow is the last day of this rally We will stay here for the weekend campout. Today we played games and had our potluck supper. Too much good food. Tomorrow morning the men are fixing breakfast for the ladies. Then a general membership meeting. Election of officers. In the afternoon a tour of an alpaca farm. That should be interesting. 25 of us going. I will try and get some pictures of that on here sometime before the week is over. Then later we have ice cream and take a group photo. I also do that. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A long day
Today was a long day. I was up at 7:30 to go up and make coffee. Tomorrow I will go up and turn the pots on and then go back to bed for a bit. We are invited to some friends for breakfast. Biscuits and Gravy Yum Yum. To Jim and Sandie. Welcome. We belong to a group called Family Campers and RVers. It was called NCHA years ago but they changed the name in the 90's. We did not belong then We started a club back in 1968. Then parked our trailer at a lake for a few years. After I retired we joined again and started camping. Check out the web site FCRV.Org. I made the coffee pots ready tonight so that will be ready in the morning. Tomorrow is another busy day. Games and a potluck in the evening with meat furnished. This is a retiree campout. On the weekend the working people will come in and join the rest of us. It has been a little cool here but not bad. Well guess that's it for tonight So from Nashville, In night all Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, September 26, 2011
Nashville In
We are set up here at the fairgrounds in Nashville. We have 18 units in here tonight. Will get more tomorrow morning. Tonight we went out to eat. Our international retiree King and Queen are here. Thelma and I paid for their meal. About 6 others joined us. We had a great time. Tomorrow morning I need to go up to the building and get the coffee made. Also make tea and lemonade. Tomorrow evening we will have a soup supper Chili That should be good. It was a nice day. Sunny with a few clouds but it has cooled off tonight. Well that is it for tonight. Will try and blog every night maybe even put a few pictures on here. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Johnson County Park
We moved this morning to Johnson County park for tonight. Thelma and I will go into the fairgrounds in Nashville in the morning. A couple of others will follow us. We had rain most of the way here. It was only 26 miles but seemed a lot longer. Got set up in some sprinkles. I had to change shoes socks and pants as I was so wet. Just sitting around now watching TV and computer stuff. Thought I would do the blog now. It is 58 here but feels colder due to rain. Well that is it for now Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, September 23, 2011
Couple more days
We only have two more days here. Tomorrow and Sun. We will leave here right after church Sun morning. Not sure exactly how soon. Need to get packed up. Will do some of that Sat afternoon. We went out for supper with Bob and Carol tonight. Had fish. Not all you can eat. Just a meal. We were so full that could not eat anymore. Had some good entertainment tonight One more night of it. Tomorrow is bluegrass. They are having biscuit sandwiches in the morning. So will probably go get them tomorrow morning and bring them back here. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, September 19, 2011
A rainy day
Today started out gloomy and stayed that way till about 11:30 and then the rain came. They had the horse races in the rain. Had seventeen races. They got them done pretty quick though. Picked a few winners Then Thelma and I went to Wal Mart and got some groceries, That is about it for today. Oh payed for our rally here this week. Well later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, September 18, 2011
We moved
We had to move from the spot we were in as the good SAM people came in this afternoon. They weren't supposed to come in till tomorrow but they came in anyway. We moved around 5:30 or so. It is raining now Not real hard but a light rain. The festival is over. They had a pretty good day. It was not quite as sunny as yesterday. Thelma and I went to Grandmas for breakfast and then went to St Marks Lutheran Church Pretty good sermon. They are a very small church Only had 42 last week. I think about 30 some today. Not all that friendly. Their regular pastor had surgery this week so they had a sub. Tomorrow I have to get the jacks set and awning out. Hope it does not rain They have harness races tomorrow and Tues. Should be fun. The samboree starts on Wed. Well guess that's it for tonight later all
Ron Thelma and Eli
Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, September 17, 2011
A great day
Today was a beautiful day for the Pioneer Festival. It was sunny and warm. In fact it got pretty warm this afternoon. I took a bunch of pictures Will put them up on my website in a few days. Want to go to MC
Donald's and use their wifi to upload them I will put a few on tonight.
This little miniature horse was so cute. He just stood around all day and ate. Mostly the grass in the pen. This was the calf's food that he was into. The calf did not get to stay in the pen for long He tried to jump the fence and get out so they put him in the trailer.
Here is smoked beef jerky. They have a fire on the other side of the box and smoke from it comes in here and smokes this meat. He marinates it with a recipe and then you can sample the finished product. Was really good.
This is our friend Carol who taught school for a couple of hours. She will do it again tomorrow for a couple of more. She substitutes here at the local schools.
Making cider . They are pouring the cider in a gal jug. Will have to sample it tomorrow. It runs from 12 to 4 tomorrow. Thelma and I are going to the Lutheran church here in the morning. 10:30 is all they have. Wish they had Sat night. We are spoiled. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Donald's and use their wifi to upload them I will put a few on tonight.
This little miniature horse was so cute. He just stood around all day and ate. Mostly the grass in the pen. This was the calf's food that he was into. The calf did not get to stay in the pen for long He tried to jump the fence and get out so they put him in the trailer.
Here is smoked beef jerky. They have a fire on the other side of the box and smoke from it comes in here and smokes this meat. He marinates it with a recipe and then you can sample the finished product. Was really good.
This is our friend Carol who taught school for a couple of hours. She will do it again tomorrow for a couple of more. She substitutes here at the local schools.
Making cider . They are pouring the cider in a gal jug. Will have to sample it tomorrow. It runs from 12 to 4 tomorrow. Thelma and I are going to the Lutheran church here in the morning. 10:30 is all they have. Wish they had Sat night. We are spoiled. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Bueatiful Day
Today was a great day Nice and sunny. They are starting to set up for the Pioneer Festival. I took a few pictures They put up some buildings that they don't go into they have the 4 sides and roof Here is it laying on the ground and then when they are putting it together
Here is the plaque for it
Here is it put together
There are about 4 of these around here. Not sure what all they will be used for. There is a cabin here that is of a man's family that served as V Pres under grover ClevlandHere is the plaque for it
Well that is for tonight Spent a lot of time outside today and the air really makes us tired. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Shelbyville, In
We arrived here about noon today. Carol was working at a school She substitutes when they need here which I think is all this week. We had left the trailer at tipton so it wasn't all that far here. It is raining now. Not hard just a lite rain. There is a pioneer festival this weekend and then next week starting on Wed is a Samboree. I think we will enjoy the pioneer thing It sounds like fun. We will have a front row view of it as we are sitting right across the road from all the activities. We could have stayed a few more days in Tipton I guess but I think we wore out our welcome. We will just relax here for the next couple of days and then things get busy. We will have to move from this spot on Mon morning since the people from the samboree will come in. Well that is it for tonight. No Thelma does not have problems when we go to Sat night church. I think it is the not eating enough before taking the pills Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Leaving for Shelbyville in morning
We got back here to Tipton about 2 this afternoon. Had Violet and Sherryl out for supper. I did hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill Pretty good. Tomorrow we leave here and go to Shelbyville for about a week and half. Then down to Brown County for retiree rally. That's about it for tonight. We got a lot down the two days we were home. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, September 12, 2011
In the fort for a day or two
We came in this morning and Thelma started on laundry right away. This afternoon I cut the grass. This evening we went to nine mile . We were almost finished and Gene and Sylvia came in so then went down to their house for a bit. Thelma is doing okay. We are pretty sure that she did not eat enough for breakfast and her BS bottomed out. As soon as she got some coke in her she started feeling better We will leave here tomorrow and head back to Tipton till Wed and then head to Shelbyville for a week and half and then to brown county. Boy fall is going to be here before we know it. Well that is it for tonight Thanks for the info Bob. Not sure yet what we are going to do. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Going home tomorrow
Tomorrow we are going home for a couple of days. Leaving the trailer here. Doing laundry and picking up mail. Last night I went to the tractor pull it was pretty good. It only cost 5$ That ain't bad. This morning we went to church. Thelma didn't eat enough breakfast I guess. She got to feeling hot in church and got up to go out and almost completely passed out. We got her up and out into the hallway and she went down again. A lady that is a nurse came out and told her to sit still. Someone called 911. The lady told someone to get her a coke from the kitchen . That seemed to help. The medics got there and check her blood. it was 132 so that had come up. Here BP and heart rate were okay two. We came home after church and she ate some cereal. For lunch we went to the Pizza Shack She ate good. So did I We won't be back here till spring if then. Not sure if we are coming down next year for the festival or not. I wasn't real pleased the way it went this year. The pull last night was the best. I had better company there from some other campers than people I know., The people at church this morning were great. Thelma was embarrassed. This has happened a couple of other times but not where she went down. And it has always been in church. Well we will leave here Wed morning for shelbyville. Should have a good time there. Our nephew stopped out this afternoon on his bike. Had a good visit with him. At least he wears a helmet. Smart man Well that's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Last day of pork day
This morning we met Sherryl and Violet at McDs for breakfast and then we came back and let Eli out. This afternoon was the big parade. Was pretty good. Not sure if it was as big as other years or not. I am heading across the road for a tractor pull. Looks like they are having some of everything. Haven't been to one for a long time. Might be fun. Will take the camera. My Verizon is slow here. They are putting up a new tower here so maybe next year if we are here it will be faster. Today I checked it once and dial up was faster than me. I think it is faster now. Maybe there were more on it yesterday. Well that is it for tonight. Tomorrow we are going to church and out to lunch. Not sure what we will do after that. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, September 9, 2011
Breakfast this morning
This morning we went up to the big tent for all you could eat breakfast. Pork sausage, pancakes, scrambled eggs, orange juice and coffee. I only could eat three pancakes and two sausages. I had to tell Thelma and Sherryl when we had almost finished breakfast that it was my birthday. They had forgotten. boy that is bad This evening we went to a Mexican restaurant here in town. Tomorrow we will do the pork chop thing. Also Tomorrow afternoon is the big parade. It is always a good one. Today was rain free. Thelma and I went up town to see the commercial area. Looked at getting Dish network or Direct If any of you have one of these let us know what you think. The dish is cheaper if you don't want the football thing. I don't care. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tipton, In
We are in Tipton for the pork festival. Will be here till Monday morning. We got here this morning and set up. It quit raining for about an hour and we got set up. We then drove to New Castle In to the Montana dealer. Needed a part and also ordered a new landing leg. The right one has been giving us trouble. So they will put a new one on the 3rd of Oct when we are on our way home from Brown County. They sure are expensive. We went out tonight with Violet and Sherryl to a restaurant down in Cicero. Had Swiss steak It was good. The Quaker place is on Coliseum across from the ford dealer next to Olive Garden. It is in the old Don Pablo's They have a little bit of everything. Specialty is wings. I had a hamburger that was probably 1/2 lb. It was pretty good. Guess that's it for tonight Hope tomorrow is drier. I know they need rain but wait till Monday. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, September 5, 2011
Well we are home. Got home about 1:00 or so this afternoon. Sure was cool this morning I even put on long pants. and a jacket. The group served breakfast this morning of Pancakes and sausage. When we got home warmed up hamburgers from yesterday and then unhooked the trailer. Am about to hit the bed as Eli has haircut in the morning and she will be here at 7:30 to get him. Need to go get fuel for the truck tomorrow and make a few phone calls for campgrounds. Then repack some clothes stop the mail and paper. Well that is about it tonight. Oh we went out with Gary;s to eat for my birthday as we will not be home next weekend. Went to Quaker steak and lube. New here in town. We ate at one in Concord NC this summer It was pretty good. Not as good as the NC one.At least we didn't think so. Okay Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Almost over
Tomorrow morning we have a breakfast here and then we will head home. This morning we had church and then this afternoon they a family games We did not play any games. We sat under our awning with another couple and listened to the rain. It rained for about an hour at least Not real hard just a nice steady rain. This evening we had a picnic. Ohio furnished the meat and corn on the cob. Had hamburgers and hot dogs and baked beans. Indiana and Ill people brought salads and Mich and Wis brought desserts. It was good. This evening we had Brian Brenner for entertainment. He is good. We have heard him a few times at other Ohio Campouts. We are now in the trailer. It is down to 63* Boy what a change from yesterday. We that is about it for tonight We will be home a couple of days and then head for Tipton. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Another day down.
I should mention that the Spangler factory makes Candy Canes. They are the biggest in the states. Bob G commented so thought I would let the rest of you know. We bought some cinnabon flavored. Haven't tried them yet. Today we had project sales Mostly flea market type stuff. Not much of it either. Then this after noon was bean bag baseball. We did not play but watched a lot of them. The team from Michigan won. Got gold medals. Yea cost about 25Cent . Then later we had a DASAT seminar on what to do after a Disaster. Very informative. Then Thelma and I went out to eat. First since we got here. Sat with another couple from here. They are from Illinois. Had a great time visiting. Came home and had announcements and door prize drawings. We got one of those plug in smelly things. We are now back in the camper as we were sitting around a fire and the wind came up and we thought it would rain. So far it hasn't but decided to just stay in Well that's it for tonight It has cooled down to 73 from around 80 some earlier. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, September 2, 2011
Fri Night
Another hot day. The air has finally kicked off. This morning we went to the Spangler factory. Does the name DumDum make sense. They make a whole bunch of them every day. They also make circus peanuts and a couple of other things. We did not see the place where they make them. Saw a video of the kitchen as they call it. Health regulations. Also no pictures. Bummer there. Then we stopped at a winery on the way back. Yes we bought some wine A couple of bottles of a barn Dance sweet wine. Can;t remember the exact name. Oh we bought some candy too. Some dumdums and a couple of other items. This evening they drew door prizes. We didn't win anything yet maybe tomorrow.They also had car races where you take a brown bag about sandwich size and make a car like picture on it. Fasten a straw on top. Then put a balloon in it and put a string thru the straw and then release the balloon. That makes the bag go to the wall. First one hitting wins that round. It was fun watching. Then we had snacks. Every body brought something. Some interesting stuff. Will see in the morning if it was worth it or not. Well that is it for tonight later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Lazy River campground
We are at Lazy river in Pioneer Ohio for our Regional rally. Think they have 37 here with 8 more to come in. We used to get about 100 or so. I know that having it on Labor Day weekend hurt as we know people who said they had other plans already made. This is not the best of campgrounds. They wanted a full hookup campground. It is not very well kept up. It could really be a nice one. We will be here till Monday and leave then for home. Today Thelma and I and our friend Carol went into Byran Ohio to a farmers market. Got a homemade Strawberry Rhubarb pie and a loaf of homemade bread. Also some green peppers for me. They had a pretty good selection about 8 or so vendors. Tomorrow we are going to the Spanglers candy factory and a winery. Poured the last of ours tonight so need some more. We have 3 bottles at home but not any good here. Well guess that's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Were Home
Got a phone call from one of our friends today. She wondered if we were home since I hadn't posted that we were. So yes we got home last Sunday afternoon. Had a good time. We will leave again later this week for a regional in Ohio. Then home and then to Tipton for pork festival. Be there and then home to do laundry and then to Shelbyville for a week and half. After that to Brown County for our retiree rally. Sept. is a busy month. Will try and keep up with this. Should have the time. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Today we went with Tom and Judith to Madison. About 40 miles from where we are camped. It is on the Ohio river. Went to the visitors center first and got some info on the Lanier Mansion. It is on the National Historic register He was president and major stockholder in the Madison branch of the second state bank of Indiana and also a major stockholder of the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad. Here is a picture of the house
This is the front facing the Ohio river This is quite the home. This man loaned the state of Indiana over 1 million dollars to outfit soldiers during the civil war and then some to pay the interest on its loans. This was after he moved to NY We then went on a boat moored at the river to eat lunch That was good also. We had a great time. Will go back one of these times and stay for a week or less and do some more sightseeing. It is pouring rain now pretty hard. Hope it clears up by the weekend when everybody gets here. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We are here
We arrived at Ceraland about 1:30 this afternoon. Was a long drive Not sure how many miles. Made a couple of pit stops. We are camped next to some of our good friends. They just got a used Cardinal. Really nice.l Lot bigger than the older one they had. We went to Walmart tonight and got some fuel and then to Chilli's for supper. Good meal. Ribs were really good. Tomorrow we are going to Madison to do some sightseeing. This campout really doesn't start till Fri so tomorrow is a free day. Guess that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Leaving tomorrow
Tomorrow we head for Columbus In for a state campout. Will be there till Sunday and come home. Be here for about a week and then had over to Ohio. Nothing much happening here. Been a lot cooler weather which is nice. I washed the trailer Last weekend. It sure needed it. Hadn't washed it since we were in the Carolina's . It had a lot of dust on it. I need to wash the roof next week. I hate that part of it. Don't like climbing on it like I did years ago. Must be old age. That's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Something new
Yesterday Thelma and I were going to the meat market over in Waynedale. When we walked out the door I saw a pigeon sitting on the railing of the deck. It just sat there looking at us. It then got on the table on the deck and pecked on it. I got real close and it had a red band on its right leg.So I think it was a homing pigeon. Don't know if he was tired or what . He sat there for quite a while finally he flew over to the car and landed on top of it. When we walked over to the car he flew off toward the south. Hope he found his way home. Never thought to get the camera. Was so shocked that never thought of it till later. Oh well. That's it from here. I will send out email with some of the pictures I took at the race shops down in North Carolina. Also if you want to see the pictures from campvention go to FCRV and click on campvention and then this year Look for the photos at the bottom. Later All Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Went to Elkhart
This morning we took the truck and went up to Elkhart. The motor for the front jacks was in so went to get it. First we stopped a RV surplus to look at steps. They had some but wasn't sure if they would fit. I had some measurements but not all I needed. So I measured those and brought them back. Need to check tomorrow to see if it will fit. If I bought them and they didn't fit I could return them but only for credit. I don't need that much stuff. So decided to wait and measure again. We got home about 4:00. Looked at a Montana 3580. Really liked the floor plan. But no we are not going to get something else unless I hit the power ball. LOL. If we go up again will take the car as the step is all boxed up and would fit in the car. We got pretty good mileage with the truck. Let it run a couple of times when we left Eli in it when we went in the store. Well guess that's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
We are home
Thought I better let you all know we are home. Got home Sun afternoon. Made good time. So far we have been getting the clothes in and Thelma is washing them Also brought food in from trailer. Today I went to Dr for my A1C. Good report. I went from 11.2 in Jan to 6.7 now. 6.5 is where it is really good. So Dr was really pleased. We ordered a new motor and gearbox for the front jacks for trailer. Should be in Thurs and if it is we will drive to Elkhart to get it. Also go to surplus place and see about getting new steps for the trailer. I left them out when we were in Texas and kinda bent them up. They work but would like to get new ones. So we might be up there Fri. Guess that's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Home tomorrow
We will be getting home tomorrow. WE are in Fletcher Ohio tonight. Decided not to make it a long. Day. Got here about 3 and set up. Since the jacks on the front are not working we are staying hooked up. Had to pull into a grassy site backwards I guess. They are not fussy here. They don;t have sewer hookups. So will have to use the dump station when we leave tomorrow. We are going to just sleep till we wake up and then have breakfast. Pancakes. It will take us about 3 hrs to get home. If we don't make to many pit stops. We ran into rain a lot today. It rained hard a couple of times. That is the most rain we have had in traveling the last 4 weeks. Will be nice to get home and get the parts for the jacks. I still have work on the pictures that I took. Over 1000 to sort through. Will be at it for a week or so. Well that is it for tonight. The Verizon signal is not all that good here. Later all 'Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, July 22, 2011
Berea, Ky
We are at the Oh Kentucky campground for tonight. It is a little after 9 and thundering and lightning but so far no rain. They had a lot of rain in Lexington earlier. Flooded some streets. We hit some rain on the way here. Got started about 8:30 or so this morning. Guess that is it for tonight Not sure how far we are going tomorrow. We did 350 some miles today. Will see. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Leaving in morning
Well the part that I ordered came in today. But it is not what was wrong. Yesterday I was messing with the motor and gear box and noticed the gear box on the motor made a funny noise. Took it apart and one little gear in it is bad. So will wait till we get to FT Wayne to get it fixed. I can use a handle and jack the trailer. Will be a job. We will not unhook as we travel north. Hope to get home on Sun. Just depends on how well we travel and how far. It sure has been hot here. Wish they had a pool. But this place is mostly for the races. Guess that's it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
This morning Thelma and I traveled to Richard Childress Winery. He is the owner of race teams. He owned Dale Earnhardt Sr team. He still owns the rights to #3. We bought a couple of bottles and also ate lunch there. We brought part of it home. Hoping the part for trailer comes in tomorrow. Want to get started home. We went to a race last night at Charlotte Speedway. It was legends cars. They are young kids driving. 8-16. We stayed for about 2 hrs and then came back. It was so hot. Here are a couple pictures from there
The first two are from the race and the last one is The winery. The tanks and barrels are in the basement. It was a good tour. We will probably not do anything else here if we get the parts tomorrow. If they come in early we will try and get on the road yet tomorrow otherwise will stay one more night and leave on Fri. Guess that's it Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
The first two are from the race and the last one is The winery. The tanks and barrels are in the basement. It was a good tour. We will probably not do anything else here if we get the parts tomorrow. If they come in early we will try and get on the road yet tomorrow otherwise will stay one more night and leave on Fri. Guess that's it Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Busy two days
Yesterday I did the Garage Pass tours. It was a lot of fun. We hit 5 shops. Roush Fenway, Joe Gibbs, Penske Stewart Haas. Ernhardt Gannsi and last Hendricks They have a big museum there. We left at *:30 and got back a little before 5. Thelma did not go. Today Thelma did some laundry this morning and then this afternoon we took a tour of Charlotte Motor Speedway. Rode around the track in a van. They went pretty fast. Tonight there is a legends race at the track . They will use a short track for it. Hope it cools off some. It is so stinking hot here. I will have some pictures of what we have done here when I get home and have good wifi to upload. I put some on FB. Last night. Guess that's it for now Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, July 15, 2011
Campvention over
We are now is Concord NC across the road from Charlotte motor speedway. Will be here till next Fri. Had to order new gear box for the jacks. Will be here Thurs so will leave Fri Morning I am about ready for bed. It has been a long week. It is cooled down here. 68 right now Have the windows open Nice. I need to work on pictures this week. We don;t have much going on at this campout. Mostly in the evening. Monday we are doing a garage pass tour. 4 Racing shops. Should be interesting. Well that is it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Been awhile
I haven't been able to update lately It has been crazy here. Last night it was 12 AM before we got to bed. I did pictures for a bit after we got back from the pageant. Then went down to the Indiana group for a bit. We had to get up this morning for Thelma to help with the pet parade. This evening I took pictures at the Queens ball. Got some pretty good ones. I even danced with one of the queens. There were 3 girls that did not have their dads here. Not sure why. but The teen director asked me to dance with one of them so I did with Miss Iowa. I haven't danced for so long. Tomorrow is our parade and then in the evening we have a few awards and entertainment and then it is over. Tomorrow I need to start putting things away. Hate that we have quite a bit of stuff out. We then move up to Concord NC by Charlotte Motor Speedway. That should be fun. Well that is about it for tonight. We just had a big storm for the last hour or so., Not much wind but a lot of rain. It has rained here three different times since we got here. They really needed the rain. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, July 11, 2011
Day 4
Am posting this in the late afternoon. We have awards tonight and entertainment. I will need to put pictures on a stick for the guy who is doing the newsletters. Tomorrow is the Queen interviews and tea in the morning In the afternoon is the talent portion and then in the evening is the final padgent part with evening gowns and the final 5 girls give an essay. It will be a busy day for me. Well here is a picture of our queen last night before the noise parade. Sure not as many as there used to be. We only have 12 girls running. One lady could not make it from TX as she got hurt.
Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Day 3
Today we started off with church services. Not bad I guess. I like the chaplain we had before better. Then they had some adult games I got a few pictures of that. This afternoon we had a thunderstorm. Boy did it put the water down. This is the second day in a row we have had rain. They need the rain. But do it at night. Tonight we did our queen parade . Didn't take long as there are not that many units here. Part of the problem is we were just here in 2010 for our retiree rally. So a lot of the older people didn't come. Well time for me to get to bed. Have to get up early tomorrow to take pictures of a Hospitality. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Day two almost over.
Well day two is almost gone. We didn't do a whole lot today. I went over to the Queen rehearsal and gave some pointers to the chairman and the girls on how to do certain things for the best pictures. Since I have done it a few times I know a little how they should walk and when to look at me for a good picture. I really enjoy doing this. I have 3 other people that are going to do other pictures for me. It has been hot here. 86 right now but hear thunder. I am doing this at 4"30 in the afternoon as I don't have as much time in the evening. Will put a few pictures on here maybe tomorrow. Tonight is the official opening with parade of states. We sure don't have very many here. Last I heard only 216 units. That is bad. Well I think it is about time for dinner so will say later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
We are here
We got here to the campvention site this morning about 11:00. We got set up and had a little lunch and then Thelma went with Carol and did laundry. A weeks worth. We had brought a couple of things from home since she had done the laundry on Monday and we left on Wed. Yes passport america is a half price camping buisness. We have to pay for it each year. But it has paid for itself every year that we have had it. Some of the campgrounds we have stayed in have not been the best but for the price not that bad. Sometimes we hafe wondered about some of the places. This last one was quite the one. So far back in.
We went to Wally world this afternoon. Got a few things Came back and did our registration. Thats about it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
We went to Wally world this afternoon. Got a few things Came back and did our registration. Thats about it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Moving tomorrow
Tomorrow Thelma and I go into the fairgrounds . The couple that was here with us left this morning. They are in charge of the gulf carts and had to be there to unload them. We will leave here sometime in the morning and then after lunch Thelma and Carol are going to the laundry. We are also going to hit up Wal mart. I also need to find propane place as one tank is empty. Yes this place is in a remote place. Not very well kept up. It is passport so only 13 a night. I wouldn't pay the regular price for here. If it had a little TLC it might not be so bad. It is not that big. Tonight Thelma and I went into the little town and had supper. Really nice place Only people in there. Had a nice visit with the waitress. Well That is about it for tonight Not sure how much blogging I will do after this thing starts Will try and at least do a couple of updates Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Another hot day
We had a scorcher here today. Not sure how hot it got but it was in the 90s again. They said on the news that it had been 20 days that they had been above normal. Not sure what that is. We hope to maybe do some sightseeing in Charleston but not sure how much. I would like to go to Ft Sumter if possible. Maybe on the 5th. We go into the fairgrounds on the 6th. Us and another couple that we camp with are the only ones in this park. There is another trailer here but he left for the weekend. He works as an engineer on the roads around here. Well that is it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, July 1, 2011
Dorchester. SC
We are at Tanager Woods Campground. It is a passport. Good thing I sure wouldn't pay the full price. We have full hookups but there is nothing else here. Was afraid maybe we wouldn't even be able to get TV or Internet but the air card works pretty good. We are not that far from Charleston as the crow flies but mile road wise is a little far. This town doesn't have much of anything at least don't think so. Tomorrow we might drive in and see if there is a laundromat. Would like to wash some clothes before we leave here for campvention. WE only had to drive 208 miles today so we slept in till 8. Tomorrow it might be later. It was 95 when we got here. That takes a lot out of you when setting up. Just took a shower Sure felt good. Well guess that's it for tonight. There is supposed to be Tanager birds around here Will have to see. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Saluda NC
We are in a Passport campground tonight. It is back in the hills. What a time getting to it. We missed one turn and it really screwed Samantha up. That's GPS talk. Finally cam by a place and saw some trailers so pulled in and asked. The lady laughed and said Yea you found it. They had the same trouble. We went into town to Cracker Barrel and got some good food. Brought home some turkey for Eli. Also filled up with fuel for tomorrow. We have a little over 200 to go. Should get there in good time. We will be meeting some friends there Spending about 5 days there and then moving to Ladson for campvention. Don't have cell service but pretty good wifi That's about it for tonight Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Leaving tomorrow
We start our trip south tomorrow morning early I hope. Want to get on the road by 8 if possible. We have pretty much everything packed. We Hope. We will stop at Lexington Ky for the night at the horse park. Then the next day Stop just inside the NC border. Will arrive down in Dorechester,SC on Fri. Will stay there till the 6th and then go into fairgrounds. Bet it will be hot. Heck of a time to be down there. But that is where the campvention is so we will be there. Will post more on the way. Maybe some pictures if there is anything interesting. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Home for a few days
We got home Fri afternoon. We stopped at the Shmuckers store in Orriville Ohio on the way It is only a bit off the highway. I did not know how much they owned of the different brands. Thelma got a shirt and we got a couple of sugar free items. Have not seen them in stores. We got brownies. Have not made them yet. We will be here till the 29th of June. We have reservations down in SC for the 1st of July. Taking 3 days to get there. Will be there till we move to campvention site on the 6th. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Ohio Retiree rally
We are over in the Amish area of Ohio. Berlin Navarre Sugar creek and a few other town.s We are hear for and Ohio retiree rally Having a great time. Today we did a road rally It was a lot of fun but kinda long. Saw some great countryside. Lot of Amish farms. We will be here till Fri morning and then head home. Tomorrow morning we go to an Amish farm for a tour. Then in the evening we go to the Amish door restaurant for dinner. Just ordering off the menu. Better that way. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Kristins Party
Well today was Kristin's party. Had about 30 or so there She graduated with academic honors. We are so proud of her. Here is a picture of her when younger
Here is another Lisa had these on a table
Here is her diploma Here she is with a couple of her friendsNow for the cake. Really done well.
Now in a few more years we can do it all again when she graduates from collage. It was a nice day for here The rain held off till we were on our way home. There was 139 in her class. The Embassy was full. We had told the ones that were invited to the graduation to just come for the open house. Paul and Linda and Lynn Ann came from Tipton. Alan and Julie came from Angola. They were camping up there. Sherryl and Violet didn't make it as Sherryl was sick yesterday and today. Well it was a big day Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, June 6, 2011
Well Kristin is officially a graduate. It was a nice service. Took about 2 hrs Not bad. The only thing was it was at the Embassy and the light was so dim in there. After that we went to Flanagan's to eat with Gary's and Lisa's mom and dad. Good meal. Had leftovers today. Next Sat is the open house at church. Will get some pictures then. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
We are home for a couple of weeks. This Sunday Kristin has graduation and then the next Sat is an open house at Concordia church. Can;t believe she is graduating. Remember when she was little and we kept her here and she would sit and read and have the TV on. Read out loud. Wish I had video of that. We may go to a retiree rally in Ohio after that. Not sure yet. Opened the pool today. Now need some chemicals and sand for the filter. It has been warm here. Guess that's it for now. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Heading home tomorrow
The samboree is over. It was a good one. Tonight's entertainment was Sarah Getto. She is a great singer Born blind and taught herself to play. Graduated college with a music teaching degree. So we head home in the morning. The ground pretty well dried out today and part of yesterday. Don't think we will have any trouble getting out. Will take about 2-3 hours to get home. Ready for bed. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, May 27, 2011
Finally a dry day
At least today it is not raining. We have had rain here almost since we got here. It started Wed afternoon. Sure glad we started early from Tipton and got here in the morning. Now they are having trouble getting people parked. It is supposed to be dry for next few days. Sure hope so. Would like to get out of here on Mon Morning. We will go back to Ft Wayne. Thelma and I went to a Walmart this morning for cereal. Also got a couple of other things. Guess that's about it for today Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
We are in Lebanon In for a samboree. We had nice weather on the way here but since about 6:00 we have been under severe storm warnings. It has been raining most of the time. Hard at times. Think it is about over. It is just after 11:00 here. Hope tomorrow brings better weather. I feel for the farmers as they are having a rough time. Talked to Gene B on Monday evening. They only have about 2 fields of corn in. I can't figure this weather out. Seems like a lot of tornado's. They showed Greensburg In this evening had a lot of damage there and other places. Well we will see what the morning brings. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Moving tomorrow
Tomorrow we go to Lebanon In for a Sambaree. We will be there till Memorial day. Then head home for a few weeks Have some work to do. Yesterday we went home and I cut the grass and noticed the gutter in back is partway down. So need to fix that. Always something to do. Guess that's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tipton, In
Well are retiree get together is over. Everyone left this morning.
We are now in Tipton. A couple that we camped with at Cicero are here too. We will stay here till next week Wed and then leave for Lebanon for a Samboree. Shirley he cooks using charcoal on a pan and the meat goes on a grill over that. He puts the loin in foil to keep it moist. Boy it was good. I will get a picture on e of these times. We will drive the truck home on Monday and get mail and do laundry and I hope to cut grass. We have had so much rain here. Sherryl bought a glider that needs to be put together Going to do that tomorrow. She is taking the day off. Guess that's about it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
We are now in Tipton. A couple that we camped with at Cicero are here too. We will stay here till next week Wed and then leave for Lebanon for a Samboree. Shirley he cooks using charcoal on a pan and the meat goes on a grill over that. He puts the loin in foil to keep it moist. Boy it was good. I will get a picture on e of these times. We will drive the truck home on Monday and get mail and do laundry and I hope to cut grass. We have had so much rain here. Sherryl bought a glider that needs to be put together Going to do that tomorrow. She is taking the day off. Guess that's about it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
One more day
We have one more day here. I forgot to take a picture of the oven. It is lined with stuff that you put over heat ducts to insulate them. It us really just a box he built.l We did pork loin in it and was the best I have ever had. We will leave here Thurs and go to tipton and spend the weekend there. On Monday we will run in to fort Wayne and get our mail and do laundry and then come back on Tues. We head to Lebanon on Wed with some friends to a Samboree. The rally went really good I thought. Some even commented that we did a good job. Course if they don't like the way we do it they can have the job. Yea we have been home quite a bit since we got back from the south. Went one weekend to Ohio. We will be home at least two weeks after Mem day as Kristin has Graduation on the 5th of June and here party on the 11th. Can;t believe she is gonna be that old. Well about bedtime here. Another busy day tomorrow. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, May 16, 2011
White River Campground
We are at the campground down here at Cicero. It is just north of Noblesville and south of Kokomo. We have this retiree rally every year here for the last 3 years. Since Thelma and I are retiree directors we put this on. That is one part of the job. It is pretty laid back. Today we went with another couple to Wal mart to get the pork loin. He is going to cook it in his wooden oven for us. I will get some pictures of it. This evening we played rummy cube or something like that. Different game. Guess that's it for tonight. Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Greentown In
We are here at Greentown for our Spring State Campout. Good time so far. Tomorrow we have church and then a board meeting. About 9 of us are staying here and leaving on Mon Morning for Cicero for our retiree rally that Thelma and I are putting on.
We will be there till Thurs and then go to Tipton for a few days. We have had a lot of rain here. It is raining now at 9:25. That is about it from here Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
We will be there till Thurs and then go to Tipton for a few days. We have had a lot of rain here. It is raining now at 9:25. That is about it from here Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Almost over
Well it is 9:18 Sat night. Tomorrow we have a pancake breakfast and then Church and then head home. This morning we had a lady talk on Military Working Dogs. This is a great thing that she is doing. All by herself. She told what all she does How she got started. If you want more info go to
www.supportmilitaryworkingdogs.org Check it out. The group here gave 250 dollars to help her out. It costs 400. to outfit one dog. She started out doing 15 dogs. Now she is trying to do all of them in Iraq and Afghanistan We are going to send her a check when we get home. Didn't have the checkbook along. This afternoon Thelma and I drove into Springfield and drove through our old mobile home park. Boy that place has gone to pot. Half of the trailers looked empty and the rest looked like heck. Won't drive through there again. The one we lived in is empty and the shed looks like it is falling apart. This evening we had hamburgers and hot dogs potato salad baked beans and cherry deserts. The theme for this campout was red white and blue so people made cherry deserts for the contest. Boy were they good. Then we had entertainment by a fella named Joseph. He was good. Sort of a folk singer. Well guess that's it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
www.supportmilitaryworkingdogs.org Check it out. The group here gave 250 dollars to help her out. It costs 400. to outfit one dog. She started out doing 15 dogs. Now she is trying to do all of them in Iraq and Afghanistan We are going to send her a check when we get home. Didn't have the checkbook along. This afternoon Thelma and I drove into Springfield and drove through our old mobile home park. Boy that place has gone to pot. Half of the trailers looked empty and the rest looked like heck. Won't drive through there again. The one we lived in is empty and the shed looks like it is falling apart. This evening we had hamburgers and hot dogs potato salad baked beans and cherry deserts. The theme for this campout was red white and blue so people made cherry deserts for the contest. Boy were they good. Then we had entertainment by a fella named Joseph. He was good. Sort of a folk singer. Well guess that's it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, April 29, 2011
Urbana ,Ohio
We are over in Urbana Ohio for a district campout this weekend. About 30 rigs here. Not to bad with the price of fuel. We got here about 2:00 this afternoon. We went to walmart for a couple of items and then went to the airport restaurant. We used to eat there a lot when I was over here working. Tomorrow they are have a talk on Military Working dogs. That should be interesting. Not sure if they are having dogs here or not. Hope so. That's about it for tonight. Little cool here. At least its not raining. Coming through Pleasant Mills and Willshire the river was way out in the fields. Don't need anymore rain. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A recap of our winter
Well I sat down and added everything up Very interesting
We drove 6147 miles on the trip
Pulled the trailer 3756 miles
It was 1853 miles to our first park in Texas that we stayed at for a month
We bought 593.25 Gals of fuel
That averaged out to 10.38 MPG
We spent 2076.16 on fuel Now we have to pay for it
We paid $542.05 in Campground fees except for the two months we were parked. That amounted to 450 for the two months. Plus electric. Can't find the first bill We paid 74 for our time in mission. We stayed a few extra days there to wait for the debit card to get there. I think it was the 7th on March when we left. Our electric in mission was probably higher than normal as we ran out of propane and had to use the electric heater one night. We also paid for our camping at the retiree rally. But that was paid last year when we were at Ladson for the last one. All in all we had a great winter. Sure better than what we have been having here.
Well guess that's it for now. We will not go out again till the last weekend of April over to Ohio for a camp out there at Urbana. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
PS I think Eli is glad to be home. He ran like crazy in the house the day we got home. Lot more room in the house than the trailer
We drove 6147 miles on the trip
Pulled the trailer 3756 miles
It was 1853 miles to our first park in Texas that we stayed at for a month
We bought 593.25 Gals of fuel
That averaged out to 10.38 MPG
We spent 2076.16 on fuel Now we have to pay for it
We paid $542.05 in Campground fees except for the two months we were parked. That amounted to 450 for the two months. Plus electric. Can't find the first bill We paid 74 for our time in mission. We stayed a few extra days there to wait for the debit card to get there. I think it was the 7th on March when we left. Our electric in mission was probably higher than normal as we ran out of propane and had to use the electric heater one night. We also paid for our camping at the retiree rally. But that was paid last year when we were at Ladson for the last one. All in all we had a great winter. Sure better than what we have been having here.
Well guess that's it for now. We will not go out again till the last weekend of April over to Ohio for a camp out there at Urbana. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
PS I think Eli is glad to be home. He ran like crazy in the house the day we got home. Lot more room in the house than the trailer
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Not much new
Trying to get caught up on things around here. I want to tally up how much fuel we used and how many miles we pulled the trailer and what we spent on campgrounds and anything else I think is interesting to the trip. Not sure I want to see how much fuel we did use and how much it cost us. Diesel here now is over 4:00 a gallon. I filled up right after we got home and it was less than 4. Guess that's about it for tonight will try and get that stuff together over the weekend Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
We are home
Got home around 3 this afternoon. Went with Gene and Sylvia to eat out.Caught up on a lot of the gossip. Will meet them again Sunday for breakfast. We are tired Will sleep in late in the morning. I still have mail to go through and need to go to the bank tomorrow also post office. That's it for tonight Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Shephardsville, Ky
We are in Shephardsville Ky tonight. Tomorrow Ft Wayne. Jack and Barb came out and we went to Mexican restaurant to eat. Had a great time. They will be in Fort Wayne in a couple of weeks. Will probably go out and see them but not camp out there. They will be here over Easter. We will leave here in the morning sometime . Not sure what time we will get going. Think we will go down the road to loves and get a bite to eat first. Shirley I don't think that area is as good as it was in Elvis day. It looked like it was almost all black. We went to a Walgreen's and Thelma talked to the Pharmacist and he told her what he thought she should take for here cold. It seems to work. Asked her if he was black she said yes. As I sat there watching all the people going in I thought it might be.
Graceland has almost all black people working there. Guess they need jobs too. Well that's it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Graceland has almost all black people working there. Guess they need jobs too. Well that's it for tonight. Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Monday, April 4, 2011
We made it to just north of Nashville this afternoon. It was a bad day for driving. It was nice this morning but right about lunch time it turned sour. We stopped to get fuel and lunch at a Pilot truck stop. It started to rain just as I turned to go around back. We ran in and got some roast beef sandwiches. Eli loves Arbys. We had a light rain most of the way off and on. Then when we hit the west side of Nashville it began to really rain. The sign above the interstate said tornado warning turn on your radio. I had the c/d going so turned on the radio. They were telling where it was. Of course we had no idea. We hit some really heavy rain and some wind. Everybody slowed down and drove sensiably. Got here and hooked up electric and the cable so we could see what was going on. All the stations had their radar on . I finally unhooked the truck so we could go eat. Was going to Cracker Barrel but they had no power. Drove to Shoneys and they had no parking left. Went to KFC. Got Chicken. Eli was happy when we got home had some leftovers. Yesterday we went to Graceland. Here are some pictures
This is the kitchen in the mansion This place is not as big as I had expected. It is really nice. We could not see the upstairs
This is the front of the place. It is big. Elvis bought this for 100,000 Back in I think1957. Not sure on that
His grave. I took more pictures of all four graves They will be on the web site later
This is over at the Automobile museum. Lots of cars there. More will be on the website Thats it for tonight It is still raining at 8:30 CDT Later Ron Thelma and Eli
This is the kitchen in the mansion This place is not as big as I had expected. It is really nice. We could not see the upstairs
This is the front of the place. It is big. Elvis bought this for 100,000 Back in I think1957. Not sure on that
His grave. I took more pictures of all four graves They will be on the web site later
This is over at the Automobile museum. Lots of cars there. More will be on the website Thats it for tonight It is still raining at 8:30 CDT Later Ron Thelma and Eli
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Clinton Presidential Library and Center
This morning we went to the library. It is very interesting. Lot of stuff there. No flash pictures I took some that I will put on here at the end. We ate lunch at the 42 club. Had a great lunch. and not too expensive either. Had some leftovers that we brought back. We then took a golf cart ride to the Clinton store. bought a couple of things. Not much. Tomorrow we head to Memphis and Graceland. If i can get reservations. I have called a couple of times and it goes to recording so I left a message. Waiting for the call back. Here are some pictures
The desk in the last one is a replica. Evidently you can't take your desk with you. That's it for today . Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
The desk in the last one is a replica. Evidently you can't take your desk with you. That's it for today . Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Friday, April 1, 2011
North Little Rock
Well we have moved. We left about 9 this morning and drove to North Little Rock. Got here about 2:45 I guess. Not sure. Thelma wrote it down. We stopped on the way at a T/A truck stop. Got subs. We got the foot long ones and ate half. The other half will be tomorrow nights supper. We leave here Sun Morning for Memphis. Tn. Hoping to stay at Elvis Presley campground. I need to make reservations tomorrow. We are going to Clinton's library tomorrow. Hope to put some pictures on here then. Bout time for bed Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Azeala Trail
Today Thelma and I went on the Azalea trail at Tyler , TX. We saw some of the most beautiful flowers Here are some of them
This is a house turned into a museum. They had a bunch of azaleas here
Here is the front of the house. Well maybe mansion would be a better word for it. It was closed when we were there Said they would be back at 1:00 It was just a little after 11:00 when we were there.
Here is Thelma setting on the front porch in front of some azaleas.

Here is a rose for you Some more to follow
The first one is taken in a couples back yard. They let people walk back there and take pictures.
Another cheap house. Boy somebody had money down here.
Azalea Tour Here is the rest of the pictures aI took today I think there pretty good. That's it for tonight Later all Ron Thelma and Eli
This is a house turned into a museum. They had a bunch of azaleas here
Here is the front of the house. Well maybe mansion would be a better word for it. It was closed when we were there Said they would be back at 1:00 It was just a little after 11:00 when we were there.
Here is Thelma setting on the front porch in front of some azaleas.
Here is a rose for you Some more to follow
The first one is taken in a couples back yard. They let people walk back there and take pictures.
Another cheap house. Boy somebody had money down here.
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